Finance and accountancy

Finance and accounting come along with several challenges. More and more processes are being digitalized and the accurate handling of payroll and personnel administration is a demanding task. We also offer our specialist know-how when it comes to annual financial statements. We are familiar with national and international accounting law.

Finance and accountancy – we will show you your potential for optimization

By means of well-sounded business analysis, we identify critical points as well as opportunities for your future business success. We combine solutions-oriented processes with ABACUS based online accounting and are firmly committed to your successful outcome.

We provide support for:

  • accountancy
  • organization of accounting system
  • budgeting
  • payroll accounting and personnel administration
  • VAT declaration
  • debtor and creditor management
  • fiscal and liquidity planning
  • controlling
  • financial reporting and balances in accordance with the Swiss Code of Obligations as well as with national and international accounting standards
  • economic analysis and counseling
  • Cloud Accounting – self-determined online accounting service with ABACUS software